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SG Basketball: Senior Night

By Erik Van Dyke
这位来自华盛顿州西雅图的一年级后卫是本赛季进步最快的球员. Already a smooth shooter, she got faster this year, she got tougher, she improved her handle, and she became a slick finisher on the fast break. Even better, 她拼命工作,把自己变成了一个破坏性的防守者, 她的手臂比你想象的要长,所以她在赛季中期为自己赢得了首发位置. The secret to her success? She truly loves the game. 没有人拿着篮球会更开心,她的热情点亮了整个健身房. 事实上,她的教练会很失望,如果她不退步走出隧道! 团队精神,在项目中排名第四,但在我们心中排名第一; Halle Khanna!

This third-year guard from Jay, Vermont, 作为一名超级足球运动员开始了她的斯巴达篮球生涯, but with not much basketball experience. 但她的强度,她的动力,她的“竞争”水平,都是一流的. Like a university athlete. And now, three years later, 她不仅学会了投篮、运球和转换中的强力上篮, she has transformed herself into one of the most intimidating, lockdown defenders Stanstead has ever produced. Team leader in steals and in minutes played, she is a force of nature who is always; the first player to dive on the floor; the first player to call in a huddle; and the last player to ever, EVER give up. This season’s inspirational leader, #12: Camryn Moore!
Hailing from Newport, Vermont, 这位二年级的前锋是有史以来身穿红色球衣的球员中精神上和身体上最顽强的球员之一 & White. With incredible Spiderman hands, touch around the rim, and a high basketball IQ, she led her team this season not only in scoring, but in rebounding AND blocked shots, as well. And she did all this in her own humble style, never complaining, never selfish, never negative – it is never about her. 我提到了韧性——你可能会注意到她从隧道里出来的时候, she has a splint on her finger, which she broke two weeks ago. 是的,她只会用她强壮的手上的三个手指来玩,因为她当然是. The epitome of the underrated superstar, a great player and an even better person, a true role model, #13: Maddie Lippmann!
And finally, this third-year forward from Stanstead, Quebec, actually began her Spartan career around the age of 5, attached to her mother’s hip, tagging along at games and tournaments, dreaming of the day when she could proudly wear the Red & White herself. And now, over a decade later, 在经历了她在球场上最好的一个赛季后,她以斯巴达人的身份毕业, with improved shooting and rebounding, perfect positional play on defense, and, most impressively, 完全理解她的团队在任何时候都在努力做什么. The offenses, the defenses, the inbounds plays, 她比教练更了解吉诺比利、邓肯和帕克. 有一个人知道你想要执行什么是至关重要的, and WHY, and HOW. She is that player. 体育菠菜大平台有史以来最真实的篮球运动员,第14名: Hayley Wolfe!