You know how you feel when you haven’t slept enough. You can’t get up in the morning, you can’t stay awake during class, you have no energy for sports in the afternoon. 感觉你不是最好的自己,你唯一的目标就是尽快睡觉……
你的父母(和老师)可能已经告诉过你应该怎么做, and you’ve heard it all before, you know the theory. Nevertheless, 我在这里也想告诉你,睡眠对你的大脑和身体非常重要,它能让你表现良好. 所以,如果你不想为自己做,试着为他们做.
Why do you experience sleep problems?
你现在可能比他们年轻的时候更难入睡. Your body will experience different growth phases, 这些会改变你的睡眠节奏(生理周期节奏). 学业和个人压力以及焦虑可能是其他原因. Also, the use of devices that emit 蓝色的光 can affect our sleep patterns.
What are the consequences of sleep problems?
You know it, sleep is vital! 睡眠充足的人更健康,注意力也更集中, 注意, memory and academic performance. If you do not get enough sleep over an extended time, it can lead to, in the best case, feeling cranky and having low energy. (The official scientific list is much, much longer…)
试着找出哪些晚上你睡得好,最重要的是,哪些晚上你睡得不好. Think about when you went to bed, if it was too hot or cold. 如果你在睡前一小时看电视或玩手机. If you were comfortable on the pillow or the mattress. 你是否累了,忽略了它,突然“兴奋”起来,无法入睡? Try to be like a detective…
Keep track of sleep patterns and schedules.
Create a sleep-friendly physical environment.
Keep a consistent bedtime routine.
试着通过做一些不那么刺激的活动来“放松”,比如阅读或听一些平静的音乐. Do not use this time to watch television, cram in more studying, use the computer, talk on the ph一个 or exercise.
Additional ideas
If you find the mattress uncomfortable, add a mattress topper. Here are the 一个s that my daughter has used. She liked this 一个 这 一个.
A weighted blanket can help you sleep. There are different sizes and weights you can get; my daughter is happy with 这一个.
Find a pillow you like, 一个 that is not too high and too low. There are 一个s with down feathers, foam, and synthetic fillings. The goal is to find 一个 that you really like.
If you like to cuddle, there are some great soft toys animals 在宜家. (不,如果你喜欢毛绒玩具,我认为你再老也不会嫌大.)
If waking up in the morning in the winter is hard, a wake-up 灯 可以帮助. 我女儿自从独立生活以来就一直在使用它. Check with your roommate; maybe you can get 一个 together.
Some essential oils have a calming effect. 你可以把它们放在你皮肤上的战略点上(手腕、太阳穴、耳后等).). The most important part is that you like the smell.
If you find that your room is very noisy, try out earplugs. 这些都是 the 一个s I use (because my husband snores… maybe your roommate does as well?).
当我醒来睡不着的时候,我就戴上耳机,用一个叫 平静. The narrators I like are Chike Okonkwo and Alan Sklar.